How to do Concentration Meditation - 3 Simple Techniques

How to improve concentration with meditation Breathing meditation can quite the mind, open the body and develop a great power of concentration. In this page, we will talk about meditation for concentration . There are in fact some meditation techniques that are very effective in honing one's ability to concentrate. In this article, I will introduce variation of the breathing meditation that can you help you to develop higher concentration. Mindfulness and concentration  are distinctly different functions. They each have their  role to play in meditation, and the relation between them is definite and delicate.Concentration is one thing which helps to achieve your dream. If you can't concentrate on your work then whatever hours you put in work it does not going to be worked. What is concentration? Concentration is a state of mind where in a person's mind is focused or points all its attention on a particular object, objective, or benefit. The word is also a app...

Meditation for glowing skin - best exercises at home

Meditation for naturally glowing skin

Every one desires picture perfect, glowing skin. Whether your a student , homemaker or a working professional, It is very important to have a beautiful skin.For this people will use products and waste there money and time. They may damages there face also.

If you want to learn to get natural glowing skin, you need to working from within. Some of the poses for taking care of your body and mind stress. People think this poses are very hard but by doing hard workouts only we will get sweat and sweating removes toxins from your skin-toxin that can clog your pores and produce blemishes, black heads and pimples.

Common causes of skin problems: 
These all problems are solved by these asanas every day in the morning and gives you beautiful natural glowing skin.

Bhujangasana (cobra pose):

              Before doing this asana make sure that your stomach and bowels must be empty. You have to take meals at least 4-5 hours before doing this asana so that you will digest food easily and you have energy to do. This pose opens up your chest and reduces your tensions and extreme tiredness in your body.This pose helps you to take extra oxygen hence you get clear the toxins accumulated in your body, ( rejuvenating) make look younger your skin. Hold this pose for 30-60 seconds. Don't overdo the stretch or over strain yourself.

How to do:

step 1: Lie on you stomach with your toes flat on the floor and your forehead resting on the ground.
step 2: Keep your legs close together, with your feet and heels lightly touching each other.
step 3: Place your hands under your shoulders, keeping your elbows parallel and close to your torso.
step 4 : Taking a deep breath in, slowly lift your head, chest and abdomen while keeping your navel touching the floor
step 5: Now pull your torso back and off the floor with the support  of your hands. breath calmly and stay in that position for 5-10 breaths.
step 6: Breath out and bring slowly your abdomen, chest and head back to the floor.

Matsyasana (fish pose):

                     This pose brightens the muscles of your face and throat.this stretch really gives you wonderful skin, It firm inflexible, hard and smoothness your skin. Enables deep breathing, helps normalize hormonal imbalance and relaxes muscles. This will improves your skin conditions. This stretch can hold as long as you can and take long breaths in and out.

How to do:

step 1: Fold the both legs together and thrusting hand on the carpet and slowly lies down.
step 2: Place the palms next to ears, towards the shoulder blades.
step 3 :Press palm and waist, raise the trunk and head. then place the crown of the head on the floor.
step 4: Place both the hands on the thighs, relax the elbow on the floor.

Halasana (plow pose):
               This pose helps to blood circulation all over the body and provides good condition to all your organs. This asana helps who will have sleeping problems. we all know that sleep pays important role for keeping us beautiful and glowing skin.


how to do:

step 1: Lie flat on your back, with your arms placed beside your body and your palms facing downwards.
step 2: Inhale and left your feet off the ground using your abdominal muscles. your legs should be at a 90 degrees angle.
step 3: Use your hands to support your hips and lift them off the floor.
step 4: Bring your feet in an 180 degree angle, such that your toes are placed over and beyond your head.
step 5 : Make sure your back is perpendicular to the ground.
step 6 : hold the position up to 5 minutes focusing on breathing.

Sarvangasana (shoulder stand): 
                This asana is most effective for glowing skin. this will reduces the pimples, wrinkles and facial radiance etc. When we reverse our body by this pose the blood goes to your brain, which nourishes your body and skin  and makes you young. This is one of the best asana to get reversing
 your age.

how to do:

step 1: Lie on the carpet with legs together.
step 2: Raise the legs at an angle 90 degrees. now press the floor with your palms, lift the waist and bring the legs forward.
step 3: Bend the hands, hold the waist with the palm, balancing and raise the legs at an angle 90 degrees to the floor .body and legs should be straight to the floor.
step 4 : The hole weight of the body resting on the shoulder blade and adjust if it is not straight.

Trikonasana (triangle face):
                 This pose is used to increases you flow of blood circulation in your face and head. This stretch opens up the lungs, chest and heart. It gives more oxygen  to the skin and skin feels refresh. This stretch equilibrium to the body and mind. With this asana we can weight loss and be a slim personality. Do repeat on both the sides to get radiant beautiful skin tone.

how to do:

step 1: First stand straight now keep distance between your both legs about 3-4 feet.
step 2: Extend your arms at the shoulder levels.
step 3: Inhale and raise your right arm by the side of your head.
step 4: Now, bend your right arm with inhaling toward the left side by keeping your body weight equally on both the feet. you should ensure that your right arm become parallel to the ground.
step 5: Maintain this posture till your are comfort.
step 6: Do the same thing with left arm.

Shishuasana (child pose):
                    This asana is also used to blood circulation in your face. This posture provides relief from anxiety and stress mind. This will mostly help for who will have oily skin because by doing this asana we will refresh and face will glowing. This asana makes you look childish and sparkle in your face.

how to do:

step 1: Sit on heals. rest your hips on heals.
step 2: Bending forward, lower your forehead onto the floor.
step 3: Keep arms along your body side.
step 4: Put hands on the floor with palms facing up.
step 5 :Press your chest gently.

                    Sheetali means soothing or cold. The practicing of sheetali breathing calms the mind and reduces the stress. It cools the body and mind, the blood pressure will lowered. Can helps provides a cooling effects to your body and bringing naturally glowing skin.

how to do:

step 1: Sit in any comfortable meditative pose like padmasana.
step 2: Keep your both hands on your knees.
step 3: Now bring your tongue all the way out and fold both sides of tongue like tube or straw.
step 4: Take a long, deep inhalation through the tube in the tongue which is formed by folding the both sides of the tongue.
 step 5 :After inhalation close your mouth and exhales with your both nostrils.
step 6: Repeat it for 8-10 times.

Precautions before doing this asanas:
Before doing this asanas you have to workouts for 2-3 minutes for physical stress relief.

  1. Avoid doing this asanas if you are fractured limbs or hands, or if joint related issues.
  2. If you are suffered from chronic diseases or a spinal injury you just avoid doing this.
  3.  Avoid practicing this asana if your pregnant.
  4. If your having high or low blood pressure, insomnia or a migraine avoid this.




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