How to do Concentration Meditation - 3 Simple Techniques

How to improve concentration with meditation Breathing meditation can quite the mind, open the body and develop a great power of concentration. In this page, we will talk about meditation for concentration . There are in fact some meditation techniques that are very effective in honing one's ability to concentrate. In this article, I will introduce variation of the breathing meditation that can you help you to develop higher concentration. Mindfulness and concentration  are distinctly different functions. They each have their  role to play in meditation, and the relation between them is definite and delicate.Concentration is one thing which helps to achieve your dream. If you can't concentrate on your work then whatever hours you put in work it does not going to be worked. What is concentration? Concentration is a state of mind where in a person's mind is focused or points all its attention on a particular object, objective, or benefit. The word is also a app...

meditation for health - How does meditation relieve stress


Like " an apple a day", the practice of transcendental meditation keeps the doctor away.

Meditation is one of the natural medicine to ignore our health problems. Meditation increases calmness and physical relaxation, improving psychological balance, coping with  illness and enhancing overall health and well-being. Many people who studies about meditation said that many health conditions like high blood pressure, certain psychological disorders, and pains. Mediation as a health activity is a great option for both physical and mental health. This guide increases the range of  different types of meditations that are best to your health.

One of the person who struggled with high blood pressure, but now he his over come with that condition. He read so many books on happiness, he did so many exercises, he went hospitals but his problem is not recovered. One day his co-worker said him to do meditation with the recommendation of his friend he did. Within a month, he felt more relaxed and his blood pressure comes to normal.

This says  relaxation mood helps to decrease the metabolism, lowers blood pressure and improves heart rate, breathing and brain waves. Tensions and  tightness seep from muscles as the body receives a quit message to relax. Transcendental meditation is best technique to control your health conditions.


Transcendental meditation is a simple, natural and effortless technique practiced 20 minutes twice-a-day. It is not a religion or philosophy. Over six millions of all ages, cultures and religion have learnt TM. Anyone can learn!


Stress and anxiety are harm to health, happiness, creativity and productivity. Hundreds of published research studies on TM verify on effectiveness for reducing stress, enhancing brain function, straightening immunity and much more. In transcendental meditation, people use a mantra, a word, sound or phrase that repeated silently to prevent distracting thoughts from reaching the mind in order to achieve a state of relaxed awareness.


  • Reduce blood pressure, heart attack and stroke: Africans American  with heart disease who practiced transcendental meditation regularly were 48% of people overcome their heart attacks. TM is a technique that turns on the body's own pharmacy to repair and maintain itself.

  • Improving functioning of your brain: Practicing a brief  sessions of Hatha yoga and mindfulness meditation  can significantly improve brain function and energy levels. Just 25 minutes per day is enough to do Hatha yoga or mindfulness meditation. These both mainly focus the brain's conscious processing power on a limited number of target like breathing and posing.

  • Keeps your stress free: Meditation can wipe away the days stress, bringing with its inner peace. If stress as you anxious, tense and worried. consider trying meditation. Spending just a few minutes with meditation makes you stress less and peaceful life. Research shows that meditating may have stress-relieving psychological and physical health benefits that includes depression and insomnia.

  • Helps you have a good sleep at night: If you normally  feel tired, drowsy and fatigued, you are likely not getting enough  deep, quality sleep. Even if you are recommended eight hours each night, you may not sleeping deeply enough to  to fully recharge your battery. Here we discuses why so many of us have insomnia, and why meditation is the best solution to sleeping like a log.Meditation strengthens the most important sleep brain region. Meditation boost the sleep Brain chemical king.

  • Improves metabolism and helps you lose weight: How many calories you need to rest? just to keep breathing. That is your BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate. So the lower the better. Lower calories in-take means reduced body weight. When you meditate, your body's BMR reduces. This means you need fewer calories and this helps you lose weight-naturally.

  • Improving immunity and helps fight diseases: Your immune system is one of the most critical, and most fascinating, aspects of the mind-body connection. Meditation is one of the most effective and time-tested natural immunity boosters that we cam adopt for a healthier life. It is an ancient art  that strengthens the body and also relaxes the mind.

  • Reduce headache and migraine: A migration is not just a normal headache. It is unbearably painful and debilitating. Sometimes, the pain is so sever that you cannot work, cannot rest, you just cannot be. But don't fear for that just do meditation to control your migraine problem.

  • Treats addictions: One of the first steps in dealing with addiction is to discover the emotional cause  of it,  whether it is fear, depression, anxiety. During meditation you learn to take control of your thoughts and emotions.


  1. Para las mentes en desarrollo, la meditación puede ser de gran ayuda, y hasta aun más que en los adultos. Últimamente se ha visto un gran interés de parte de los educadores e investigadores en llevar la meditación y yoga a las escuelas. Muchas escuelas últimamente han implementado estas prácticas dentro de sus horarios diarios y han visto que las calificaciones y las asistencias han incrementado. Así también se ha comprobado que existen beneficios cognitivos y emocionales para los niños.

    La meditación puede revertir los patrones en el cerebro que contribuyen a que se distraiga fácilmente, que te preocupes o que tengas poca atención, por lo tanto es sumamente eficaz con los niños.

  2. Increased awareness of the present moment.
    By maintaining a state of full awareness and calm in every situation of your life, you will enjoy more and better each moment.

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